When Will I Feel My Baby Move? Understanding Quickening in Pregnancy
Have you ever wished a day should be 30 hours long? So that you can take out some time all to yourself. As if you are always running out of time. You have to multitask even if you don't want to! Well, Ask a new mom about it. The crisis they will tell is going be concrete—a neverending saga of to-do lists. And for the working mom, the list goes on and on and on........ This blog is not about giving fancy advice for making and writing planners daily, because that will be another work to do! But here are some tips that a new mom can induce in their life to relax a bit. After all, we've got your back, new mamas!
Mom support groups are such an underrated solution. You can discuss ideas and problems with someone you can relate to! It also opens a gateway to better parenting with counseling for postpartum depression. Things that take a lot of time for a mother are more manageable when all the wonder women are together. Isn't it beautiful?
New Moms always run short on sleep, whether it is because of breastfeeding their babies at night or being awake till they are asleep. Sleeping soundly for the ideal time is a rare task for them. Ask your partner to manage the time with you alternatively. Or a babysitter isn't a bad idea for a while to take some time out for you. A well-rested mom will be much happier and able to connect more with a baby. And eating healthy will heal both the mind and body.
Let's be honest. There are neverending standard examples of being a perfect mother who knows parenting the best on the internet! It would be best to focus on the connection, not the perfection. You already know what's best for your baby. You must follow and believe in your bond with your Lil one.
Month end comes with many pending and scheduled tasks, and aligning them with a mom's life is a very hectic idea. Automate the task that is possible. Web-enabling some payments and functions will be an excellent way to take some time out. Then what, Hit the spa or book a yoga session all to yourself!
The daily miscellaneous tasks are the ones that create absolute chaos. Divide chores with your partner and weekly prioritize whatever you need to do first. You don't have to pen everything down to finalize, but just what's first and what can be done later will sort a lot for you.
Expectation from a mother is infinite. She has to be a role model for their children and take care of them throughout the day, from caring for their health to feeding, bathing, and playing with them. All of it requires almost the whole day. The importance of "me time" is already becoming an essential part of the fast-paced world. It works wonders for your mental health if you give yourself the space you deserve. The journey of you and your Lil one should be beautiful and not a stressful one!