Indian Baby Boy Names
February 12, 2025

Top 200 Unique Indian Hindu Baby Boy Names and Their Meanings

Choosing the perfect name for your baby boy is an important and often emotional journey for many parents. The process involves much thought and consideration as parents delve into the meanings, origins, and cultural significance of names. It's not uncommon for parents to look for names that reflect desired qualities or aspirations they hold for their child, such as strength, intelligence, or compassion. 

With the rise of modernism, parents are turning to creative permutations of names, sometimes merging parts of both parents' names to form a unique new name. This can be a beautiful way to symbolically represent the union of the parents for their child. For instance, if the mother's name is Anita and the father's name is Jay, they might consider names like Anay or Anjay. This method not only provides a unique identity for the child but also carries a personal touch that ties the child directly to their family heritage. 

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We understand that choosing a name for your baby boy can be overwhelming and sometimes a bit confusing. To help ease this process, we have curated a list of 200 unique Indian Hindu baby boy names along with their meanings, so you don't have to worry too much. 

200 Unique Indian Hindu Baby Boy Names

# Name with Meaning of Indian Hindu Baby Boy Names
1 Aadavan - Sun 
2 Aarav - Peaceful 
3 Aarav - Peaceful 
4 Aarit - One who seeks the right direction 
5 Aarush - First ray 
6 Aarush - First ray of the Sun 
7 Adhiraj - King 
8 Aditya - Sun 
9 Advik - Unique 
10 Adyant - Something that has no equivalent/Unique 
11 Ainesh - The Sun's glory 
12 Akaay - Immortal 
13 Akash - Sky 
14 Ansh - Portion 
15 Arit - Praised 
16 Arjun - White, clear 
17 Arnav - Ocean 
18 Arush - First rays of the Sun 
19 Arya - Noble 
20 Aryan - Noble 
21 Atharv - Lord Ganesh 
22 Avir - Brave 
23 Ayaan - Gift of God 
24 Bharat - India 
25 Bhavik - Devout, well-meaning 
26 Bhavin - Living 
27 Bhavin - Living, existing 
28 Biren - Lord of warriors 
29 Bodhi - Enlightenment, awakening 
30 Bravish - Courageous 
31 Chaital - Consciousness 
32 Chaksh - Eye 
33 Charvik - Intelligent 
34 Chayan - To choose 
35 Chetan - Consciousness 
36 Chirag - Lamp 
37 Daksh - Capable 
38 Dakshi - The glorious 
39 Darsh - Sight 
40 Devansh - Part of God 
41 Devyan - Serving the gods 
42 Dhruv - Pole star 
43 Dhven - Godly 
44 Divit - Immortal 
45 Drish - Sight 
46 Ehan - Expected 
47 Ekansh - Whole 
48 Eklavya - Student who learned to bow by watching 
49 Elil - Handsome 
50 Eshan - Desiring 
51 Eshank - Lord Shiva's name 
52 Eshwar - God 
53 Evyaan - Expressing 
54 Faaris - Knight 
55 Faiyaz - Artistic 
56 Faneesh - Lord Shiva 
57 Farhan - Happy 
58 Fayan - Expansive 
59 Gagan - Sky 
60 Ganesh - Lord of the host 
61 Gatik - Fast, progressive 
62 Girik - Lord Shiva 
63 Girish - God of mountain 
64 Girvan - Language of God 
65 Grishm - Summer 
66 Gunin - Virtuous 
67 Hanvit - Strong 
68 Harish - Lord Shiva 
69 Harit - Green 
70 Himesh - King of snow 
71 Himir - Cool 
72 Hiran - Gold 
73 Hridaan - Gift of heart 
74 Hridyanshu - Light from heart, moon 
75 Idhayan - joy of heart 
76 Illesh - Lord of the earth 
77 Indra - King of gods 
78 Iravan - King of the ocean 
79 Ishaan - The Sun 
80 Ishank - Peak of the Himalayas 
81 Ishir - Agni/fire 
82 Itish - Such a ruler 
83 Ivaan - God's gracious gift 
84 Ivank - God's gracious and glorious gift 
85 Jagan - Universe 
86 Jai - Victory 
87 Jairaj - Victorious ruler 
88 Jatan - Nurturing 
89 Javin - Swift 
90 Jesh - Small 
91 Jivin - To give life 
92 Kabir - Great 
93 Kairav - White lotus 
94 Kairav - White lotus 
95 Kavan - Water, poem 
96 Keshav - Krishna 
97 Kian - Kings 
98 Koshin - A delicate bud 
99 Kritin - Clever 
100 Kshaun - Nectar 
101 Kunal - Lotus 
102 Lakshit - Targeted 
103 Lakshya - Aim 
104 Lavan - Handsome 
105 Lavesh - God of Love 
106 Lavit - Lovely 
107 Layan - Gentle and soft 
108 Lohit - Made of copper, Mars 
109 Manan - Thought 
110 Manav - Man 
111 Manvik - Conscious 
112 Medhansh - Who was born with intelligence 
113 Mihir - Sun rays 
114 Milan - Meeting, joining 
115 Mitansh - A friend 
116 Mohan - Charming 
117 Mridul - Soft, tender 
118 Naksh - Moon 
119 Naveen - New 
120 Navish - Lord Shiva 
121 Niranjan - Pure 
122 Nirav - Quiet 
123 Nirvan - Liberation 
124 Nirved - Gift of God 
125 Nirvin - Happiness, bliss 
126 Nishit - Midnight 
127 Ohas - Praise 
128 Ojas - Vitality 
129 Ojasvat - strong or energetic 
130 Om - Sacred spiritual sound 
131 Omkar - Sound of the sacred syllable 
132 Onir - Shining 
133 Ovee - A shining and glowing light 
134 Ovin - Handsome 
135 Pahal - The start 
136 Parth - Warrior 
137 Parv - Festival 
138 Pavit - Pure 
139 Pranav - Sacred syllable Om 
140 Pransh - Part of life and God 
141 Pravit - Hero 
142 Prithvi - Earth 
143 Priyansh - Lovable part of someone 
144 Raahil - Path guider 
145 Raghav - Descendant of Raghu 
146 Raivat - Wealthy 
147 Reyansh - A part of Sun 
148 Reyansh - Ray of light 
149 Ridhaan - a generous heart 
150 Ridit - World known 
151 Ritam - Divine truth 
152 Ritul - Truth-seeking 
153 Ritvik - Priest 
154 Rudra - Terrible 
155 Saaket - Another name for Ayodhya 
156 Sai - Divine 
157 Samar - Battle 
158 Samar - War 
159 Sarin - Helpful 
160 Satvik - Virtuous 
161 Satya - Truth 
162 Shaurya - Bravery 
163 Shlok - Verse 
164 Soham - I am 
165 Sudyut - shining beautifully 
166 Surya - Sun 
167 Tanay - Son 
168 Tanay - Son of wind 
169 Tanish - Ambition 
170 Taran - Heaven 
171 Tvisha - Bright 
172 Udarsh - Brimming 
173 Uday - To rise 
174 Udit - Shining 
175 Udyat - A star 
176 Uresh - Satisfaction 
177 Utkarsh - Awakening 
178 Vaibhav - Richness 
179 Vaydhish - Lord of the Vedas 
180 Ved - Sacred knowledge 
181 Vedant - Ultimate wisdom 
182 Vidit - Known, understood 
183 Vihaan - Dawn 
184 Vihaan - Dawn 
185 Vihaan - Morning dawn 
186 Vihan - Morning dawn 
187 Viraj - Resplendent 
188 Vismay - Surprise 
189 Vivaan - Full of life 
190 Vyan - Air 
191 Yajat - Sacred 
192 Yantra - Instrument 
193 Yash - Fame 
194 Yashvi - Famous, glorious 
195 Yuvaan - Youthful 
196 Yuvan - Strong 
197 Yuvansh - Young generation 
198 Yuvraj - Prince 
199 Zayan - Bright 
200 Zorawar - Powerful 

If you are looking for baby girl names, you can read; 150 Unique Indian Baby Girl Names with Meanings for Your Little Princess 

The naming process can sometimes be extensive, with family, cultural traditions, and even astrological factors playing a role. It's a heartfelt decision where every option is weighed with care, embodying hopes and blessings for the new life.  

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I choose a baby boy's name­ that will age well?

Naming a baby boy is key to the­ir identity; choose wisely, as it must suit him for the rest of his life. If you are looking at India's storie­d past for timeless gems, you can go for names like­ Arjun, Ram, and Krishna - names of heroes rich in virtue­s and tales. Remember to seek name­s that are easily spelled and pronounce­d in India and abroad because this helps a smooth transition through life's stages. Consider whe­ther it allows cute nicknames in youth, ye­t formal polish in career. Versatility can e­mpower a name's enduring charm.

What are­ some tips for picking a name that compleme­nts our last name?

Choosing a first name that goes well with your surname is one of the first things parents think about before deciding on a name. Short first names balance­ lengthy last ones, often rhyming that jars the­ ear. Be careful that the initials don't form any unpleasant words. You could also look at how it sounds. Does it sound smooth or awkward? These simple things can help you decide and pick the perfect name for your baby boy.

What is a swee­t Indian boy's name?

If you are looking for some sweet names, Arjun is one of the options that are love­d in many Indian regions. The Sanskrit name me­ans "bright" or "shining". Arjun is adorable­ for a child, yet strong as he grows up. Other cute­ picks are Rohan ("ascending") and Ishaan ("sun" or "wealth-give­r").

What is this year's Indian baby boy's name, tre­nds?

Traditional and mythological names remain popular, reflecting the enduring cultural heritage; names like Arjun, Vihaan, and Ishaan are commonly chosen for their powerful historical and spiritual connotations. Simultaneously, there's a growing preference for names inspired by nature, such as Aarav, Vihan, and Reyansh, which highlight a connection to the environment and natural beauty. Modern names or unique spellings of traditional names, such as Ayaan, Zian, and Kabir, are also trending, offering a contemporary twist that makes these names stand out. Additionally, names that embody positive qualities or aspirations, like Advik, Laksh, and Kian, are highly favored by parents aiming to imbue a sense of purpose and positivity in their child's identity. This combination of historical depth and contemporary appeal characterizes the current preferences in naming newborn boys in India.
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