When Will I Feel My Baby Move? Understanding Quickening in Pregnancy
The most unalloyed and wholesome relationship in the world is that of a baby and a breastfeeding mother. But with its natural pace, this bond undergoes many changes in a short time. This time of transformation should not be difficult for both mother and the baby but should be cherished.
At a particular phase, a child has to gradually leave feeding on the mother's breast milk and start consuming the formulas of solid food and other fluids. This subtle process of switching the diet of a young one from breast milk to an adult's diet is known as weaning.
Do not hurry to decide on weaning, as it is very personal! Every mother deserves to take her own time and start the process whenever they want, according to their work life, or when the baby begins avoiding breast milk naturally. In most cases, food feeding starts at six months of age but can vary up to 1 year. The sign of the right time is when a baby can hold their head by themselves and coordinate their hand movements, including how to swallow.
It doesn't matter if your baby is eating in small amounts or not as much as they should. The habit is new to them, and breast milk's essential nutrients and antibodies are still vital for their health.
The shift of the whole diet pattern is an emotional, behavioral, and physical change for both mother and baby. If a child demands the milk, avoid saying No!
Introducing the little ones to food culture is a challenging task. It demands a lot of patience with the balance of encouragement and praise.
It is widespread to engage babies in watching kid videos on phones and televisions while parents try to feed them. It is a process they should learn and not just a task they should complete either way.
It is completely fine and normal if your baby tries to hold the food or mash it with their hands and tries to eat but makes a mess on their face. This chaos is a good sign! It means they are discovering the different textures and getting comfortable with the habit of eating. Their curiosity is present to explore more!
Even though the method of weaning has its own pace, it should go as naturally as possible. But providing feasible comfort to your baby is always the parent's number one priority! Baby Forest Laad Pyaar baby feeding bottle is what you need during the weaning. Inspired by nature and made of food-grade material, this feeding bottle is FDA approved and imitates the breast's shape and softness like a mother's touch. It promotes a baby's easy grip and self-feeding habit, guaranteeing safety from the toxins of plastics.